

Patent summaries

These summaries are for illustrative purposes only and does not in any way limit the full scope of the claims and subject matter described in the patents or any related patents and patent publications. Any terminology used herein does not modify, replace, contradict, contextualize, define, or in any way supplement the meaning of any terms used in the patents or related patents and patent publications. These condensed invention summaries should not be construed to provide or concern relevant scientific principles, the meaning of technical terms, and/or the state of the art now, or at the time of the invention.

nChain technology

These condensed invention summaries describe aspects of an nChain technology and does not describe any nChain patent, and/or the full scope of subject matter claimed and described in any nChain patent. Listings of ‘Commercial Applications’ and ‘Key Benefits’ provided herein are inclusive and without limitation, and should not be construed to be exclusive listings of all novel, available, intended, and/or possible commercial applications and key benefits.